1 Introduction to Random Forests with R

1.5 Data sets

1.5.1 Running example: spam detection

data("spam", package = "kernlab")
levels(spam$type) <- c("ok", "spam")
yTable <- table(spam$type)
indApp <- c(sample(1:yTable[2], yTable[2]/2),
            sample((yTable[2] + 1):nrow(spam), yTable[1]/2))
spamApp <- spam[indApp, ]
spamTest <- spam[-indApp, ]

1.5.2 Ozone pollution

data("Ozone", package = "mlbench")

1.5.3 Genomic data for a vaccine study

data("vac18", package = "mixOmics")

1.5.4 Dust pollution

data("jus", package = "VSURF")